Our server temperature monitoring solution
We have the perfect server room temperature monitoring solution to accurately monitor temperature and humidity within the room or racks of the server. The SenseAnywhere data logger system feeds secure data to the cloud, which can be accessed from any smart device. The biggest benefit of this is that you can check the conditions 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Alerts will be sent to your connected smart devices meaning if you are in the next room or in the Bahamas (preferably!) you will still be informed of any issues and be able to resolve these excursions before any costly failures occur.
The system can be set up in minutes. With the SenseAnywhere system you can connect multiple loggers to the AccessPoint to specify the conditons of specific areas of the room or server racking. The system has a 10 year battery life and monitors 24/7, allowing you to have the reassurance that you sever environmental conditions are in check.
A server temperature sensor is required to prevent disruption and malfunction of the server. Temperature conditions of the server room can be a big factor that affects perfomance of the servers and can lead to downtime. The server room, is used to store, power, and operate the computer servers and their accompanying components, therefore, a critical aspect of server room conditions to consider is the temperature and humidity of the room. The SenseAnywhere data logger has saved companies thousands by notifying of a temperature or humidity exercursion.
What are the recommendations for server room temperature monitoring
Server room temperature monitoring is required because server rooms consist of a mixture of both hot and cool air, due to server fans producing hot air, while air conditioning and other cooling systems yielding cool air to counteract this. Offsetting the server room temperature is a top priority when ensuring uptime. Environments reaching excess heat levels run the risk of equipment malfunction.
The ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) advise temperature conditions for server rooms should be between 18°C-27°C. Anything higher or lower than this should be an immediate cause for concern as it could lead to system failure. For this reason, it is important to install a server room temperature monitor with alarm functions to notify the user before temperatures reach undesired levels.
Humidity another factor to consider, ASHRAE’s recommendations suggest the ideal rH is 50% for optimal performance. They also suggest minimum rH levels of 20%, and a maximum of 80% to avoid system failure. Again, alarm functions and live data access are highly important to ensure issues can be prevented and rectified before they occur.
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